Local Offer
The aim of this document is to enable families to see the support that they would receive for their child/children in our Settings. It provides clear information about what we already have in place to enable each child/children to achieve to their full potential, as well as offering the reassurance that we value each child as being unique and that we will endeavour to meet their individual needs. We are inclusive Settings with a wealth of experience in supporting and promoting Children’s needs, learning and development. Both of our Settings have had a range of children access them with a variety of needs; medical, physical as well as developmental requirements. We aim to give all children the opportunity to go onto mainstream education and continue to make good progress.
Approach to supporting the learning and development
• As parents are their child’s first educators it is important we receive as much information from you as possible.
• At all settings each child has a key person who will help them settle into the group whist building up positive relationships, understanding their needs, care routines, interests and learning styles. This information is obtained through observations, assessments and informal chats with parents.
• With parental consent any concerns throughout the above process are raised initially with the Special Educational Needs and Disabilities Coordinator (SENDCo) and the Manager, who will work closely with the key person to differentiate resources/activities/experiences, adapting the curriculum and supporting in order for the child to achieve their full potential.
• If after talking to you we feel additional support is needed we will work with you to put a Play Plan or One Page Profile, Behaviour Plan or Care Plan in place, to meet their needs and your requirements. All progress will be recorded and shared with you.
• The SENDCo (with your written permission) will liaise with other professionals such as the Area SENDCo, Speech and Language therapists, Early Years Advisory teachers, and Health Visitors in order to gain further advice to help us support you and your child fully. We will then work collaboratively to ensure advice and strategies are implemented.
• This process will be monitored, reviewed and evaluated with you and any other professionals on a regular basis. (Using the Assess, Plan, Do Review Cycle).
• When required we would implement a Graduated Approach to supporting your child’s area of need. We plan our curriculum, map provision and evaluate the outcomes of our intervention.
• We run small group activities during our sessions that focus on developing Speech, language and communication, sharing, turn taking, and waiting, listening and attention.
• We undertake regular written observations and complete assessments (e.g. the two year check), this enables us to monitor and ensure that your child is making progress; it also helps us identify needs and ensures your child is able to access a bread and balanced curriculum.
• At times we are able to support your child further by accessing some specific additional SEN premium (the term after your child is 3). This premium is allocated to children with the most complex needs and children that need high levels of additional adult support.
How will parents/carers be included in the child’s education?
We value the knowledge that you have on your child/children and want to work closely with you to ensure that your child/children’s learning is effective.
• When starting at one of our Settings your child’s key person will involve you by asking you to complete key information about your child/children, helping us to understand their interests, likes/dislikes, and favourite toys/games/places, needs and care plans. This sharing of information will be on going throughout your child’s time at our Settings.
• You will be invited to attend regular meetings to discuss your child/children’s progress and to celebrate their successes.
• At all of our Settings each child has their own Learning Journey which you can have access to at any time.
• We take regular photos of your child for their learning journey, so you can see in a pictorial way how your child is developing.
• If needed we will use a communication book or activity board so that you can gain an understanding of what you child/children experience on a daily basis.
Positive relationships
• All the staff at our Settings are experienced and qualified practitioners who access training on a regular basis.
• All staff can use basic Makaton sign language and encourage children to participate in this. We feel that this not only enables communication but reduces frustration and promotes emotional intelligence.
• Our staffing teams have a lot of knowledge and experience between them; we share ideas, teaching strategies, knowledge and approaches to enable us to put the right care and provision in place for your child.
• We have a have named SENDCo’s to support children in achieving their goals:
Jess Robinson
• We have access to our Area SENDCo for advice and with whom we can discuss any issues raised and who can help provide strategies, resources and support.
• All Settings have policies and procedures in place which are reviewed regularly ensuring our environment and resources are suitable and accessible to all.
• We operate an open door policy for you to come and spend time in the setting with your child. Staff are available both at the beginning and end of the session to answer your questions and help with your concerns.
• We all have good relationships with other services within and around our community and can assist you by accessing the Parent/Toddler group, Schools and facilities at the local Children’s Centre.
Support for each child’s Physical and Emotional wellbeing
• We consider ourselves to be inclusive, creating a safe, secure and happy environment that is suitable for all children to achieve their full potential.
• We concentrate on promoting their Personal, Social and Emotional skills, building on what they can already do and giving them challenges to build up their self-esteem and to give them confidence.
• We have visual signs and symbols around the room, which help the children to identify the areas of play.
• We have a visual timetable and when needed we use this to help the children make choices, understand the routine of the day, offering them structure on what is happening now and what will be going to happen next.
• We encourage all children to play cooperatively helping them to understand value and respect each other’s ideas and opinions.
• We have a flexible approach which means that we can differentiate the curriculum and adapt what we do to accommodate any need or health issue by having relevant plans in place.
• We all have an Equality Named Coordinator (ENCo).
Milldene – Carly Ford
Baynards – Lorraine Hall
• We have experience in supporting children with physical disabilities, medical needs and allergies.
• All staff have completed Safeguarding and first aid training.
• We are fully committed to working in partnership with Parents and Cares and follow the principles and ethos of Early Support.
• Staff are familiar with resources like the Good Beginnings approach – this is an eclectic collection of support strategies for children on the Autism spectrum.
• We ensure that all staff receive relevant and appropriate training and ensure that we keep current and up to date with the latest changes to the Early Years Foundation Stage and SEND Code of Practice 2015.
• One person from each setting attended the Early Talk Boost Intervention Training and will deliver the sessions.
Helping with transitions
• Prior to your child starting at any of our Settings, we would invite you and your child to visit. This allows the child time to play, become familiar with the environment and for you both to meet your key person, the SENDCo and the Manager.
• We will work closely with you so that you feel that you can stay with your child for however long necessary in order for them to settle.
• We would ensure that we gain as much information as possible from you and any other professional involved with your child before the child’s start date. This would enable us to ascertain the level of support that is needed and have any appropriate targets for their One Page Profile.
• To aid transitions between other settings, we would talk to the relevant staff involved, arrange meetings/visits where information can be exchanged and the child supported in the new environment, giving them the opportunity to familiarise themselves with their surroundings.
• We support smooth transitions into school and work in close partnership with all the schools in the locality.
How accessible is the environment?
• Access to the buildings
o Baynards and Milldene are both on one level and therefore provide good access to the building.
o Milldene is also fully accessible to a wheelchair and there is a toilet for the disabled within the classroom.
• Toys, activities and resources are present at different levels and accessible to all.
• Parking – Baynards and Milldene have parking on the road outside the buildings.-